We read and discuss the latest papers in computational neuroscience. The hope is to generate new ideas, foster new collaborations, and keep up-to-date with the literature.
For the fall 2024 semester, all meetings will be in person. We will not connect to Zoom unless requested. The papers for each presentation have been selected
through a collaborative process between the speakers and organizers in order to match PNI's interests. The papers reflect authors from a diverse set of backgrounds and from outside of PNI in order to encourage a breadth of perspective.
We encourage participants to spend at least 20 minutes with each paper before coming to club.
If you’d like to be added to the email list, visit our google group, or contact Bichan (bichanw [at] princeton.edu) or Lin (yuzhenglin [at] princeton.edu). If you'd like to present, please also contact Bichan and Lin.
Presentation tips
Let’s make our journal club the envy of PNI! Please read the paper before choosing, plan for 35 minutes of presenting (expect plenty of questions!), and follow these tips: presentation_checklist.pdf
We currently meet in PNI 230. If you need to join through Zoom, please contact Bichan or Lin at least 30 min in advance of the meeting.
Current Meetings (Spring 2025)
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Feb 7* | 11am-12pm | Jonathan Pillow | Inferring context-dependent computations through linear approximations of prefrontal cortex dynamics Soldado-Magraner et al. (Science 2024) |
Feb 11 | 3-4pm | Sai Koukuntla | Unsupervised discovery of the shared and private geometry in multi-view data Koukuntla et al. (arXiv 2024) |
Feb 25 | 3-4pm | Jesse Kaminsky | Episodic and associative memory from spatial scaffolds in the hippocampus Chandra et al. (Nature 2025) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Mar 11 | 3-4pm | Helena Liu | Cell-type–specific neuromodulation guides synaptic credit assignment in a spiking neural network Liu et al. (PNAS 2021) Biologically-plausible backpropagation through arbitrary timespans via local neuromodulators Liu et al. (NeurIPS 2022) |
Mar 25 | 3-4pm | External Speaker | TBD |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Apr 8 | 3-4pm | Alex Riordan | TBD |
Apr 22 | 3-4pm | Jiayi Zhang | TBD |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
May 6 | 3-4pm | Dexter Tsin | TBD |
May 20 | 3-4pm | Yuzheng Lin | TBD |
Past Meetings (Fall 2024)
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Sept 17 | 3-4pm | Tatiana Engel | A nonoscillatory, millisecond-scale embedding of brain state provides insight into behavior Parks et al. (Nat. Neurosci. 2024) |
Sept 24 | 3-4pm | Iman Wahle | Task representations in neural networks trained to perform many cognitive tasks Yang et al. (Nat. Neurosci. 2019) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Oct 1 | 3-4pm | Orren Karniol-Tambour | Learning to reinforcement learn Wang et al. (arXiv 2017) |
Oct 15 | 3-4pm | Jesse Kaminsky | Flexible multitask computation in recurrent networks utilizes shared dynamical motifs Driscoll et al. (Nat. Neurosci. 2024) |
Oct 29 | 3-4pm | Yizi Zhang | Towards a “universal translator” for neural dynamics at single-cell, single-spike resolution Zhang et al. (arXiv 2024) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Nov 5 | 3-4pm | Naureen Ghani | Research Talk |
Nov 19 | 3-4pm | Bichan Wu | A vast space of compact strategies for effective decisions Ma and Hermundstad (Sci Adv 2024) |
Nov 26 | 3-4pm | Jorge Yanar | Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making Kuan et al. (Nature 2024) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Dec 3 | 3-4pm | Julie Charlton | Visual fixations and the computation and comparison of value in simple choice Krajbich et al. (Nat Neurosci 2010) |
Dec 10 | 3-4pm | Patrick Govoni | Research Talk |
Dec 17 | 3-4pm | Ryan Cho | A combinatorial neural code for long-term motor memory Kim et al. (Nature 2024) |
Past Meetings (Spring 2024)
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Jan 30 | 3-4pm | Jonathan Pillow | A power law describes the magnitude of adaptation in neural populations of primary visual cortex Tring et al. (Nat Commun 2023) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Feb 20 | 3-4pm | Victor Geadah | Mice exhibit stochastic and efficient action switching during probabilistic decision making Beron et al. (PNAS 2022) |
Feb 27 | 3-4pm | Lindsey Brown | Tonic dopamine and biases in value learning linked through a biologically inspired reinforcement learning model Pinto and Uchida (bioRxiv 2023) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Mar 12 | 3-4pm | David Allen | Tuned geometries of hippocampal representations meet the computational demands of social memory Boyle et al. (Neuron 2024) |
Mar 22* | 11:30am-12:30pm | Bichan Wu | Distinct streams for supervised and unsupervised learning in the visual cortex Zhong et al. (bioRxiv 2024) |
Mar 26 | 3-4pm | Jiayi Zhang | The emergence of a collective sensory response threshold in ant colonies Gal et al. (PNAS 2022) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Apr 16 | 3-4pm | Kevin Chen | Prediction of neural activity in connectome-constrained recurrent networks Beiran and Litwin-Kumar (bioRxiv 2024) |
Apr 23 | 3-4pm | Conor McGrory | Dense Associative Memory for Pattern Recognition Dmitry Krotov and John Hopfield (NeurIPS 2016) |
Apr 30 | 3-4pm | Sabrina Reguyal | Connectome-based reservoir computing with the conn2res toolbox Suárez et al. (Nat Commun 2024) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
May 7 | 3-4pm | Matt Creamer | Connectome-constrained Latent Variable Model of Whole-Brain Neural Activity Mi et al. (ICLR 2022) |
May 14 | 3-4pm | Anushri Arora | Aligned and oblique dynamics in recurrent neural networks Schuessler et al. (arXiv 2024) |
May 21 | 3-4pm | Alex Riordan | Neurotransmitter classification from electron microscopy images at synaptic sites in Drosophila melanogaster Eckstein et al. (Cell 2024) |
Past Meetings (Fall 2023)
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Oct 10 | 3-4pm | Seohyun Moon | Brain-like representational straightening of natural movies in robust feedforward neural networks Toosi and Issa (ICLR 2023) |
Oct 24 | 3-4pm | Conor McGrory | A map of object space in primate inferotemporal cortex Bao et al. (Nature 2023) |
Oct 31 | 3-4pm | Aditi Jha | A Unified, Scalable Framework for Neural Population Decoding Azabou et al. (NeurIPS 2023) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Nov 7 | 3-4pm | Yuzheng Lin | Neural Wave Machines: Learning Spatiotemporally Structured Representations with Locally Coupled Oscillatory Recurrent Neural Networks Keller and Welling (ICML 2023) |
Nov 21 | 3-4pm | Yazhou Zhao | Emergence of foveal image sampling from learning to attend in visual scenes Cheung et al. (ICLR 2017) |
Nov 28 | 3-4pm | Dexter Tsin | Representational dissimilarity metric spaces for stochastic neural networks Duong et al. (ICLR 2023) |
Past Meetings (Spring 2023)
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Jan 31 | 3-4pm | Lindsey Brown | A unified theory for the computational and mechanistic origins of grid cells Sorscher et al (Neuron 2023) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Feb 14 | 3-4pm | Yanliang Shi | Nonnegative spatial factorization applied
to spatial genomics Townes and Engelhardt (Nature Methods 2022) |
Feb 21 | 3-4pm | Jesse Kaminsky | Residual dynamics resolves recurrent contributions to neural computation Galgali, Sahani, and Mante (Nat Neurosci 2023) |
Feb 28 | 3-4pm | Thomas Luo | Learning shapes cortical dynamics to enhance
integration of relevant sensory input Chadwick et al (Neuron 2023) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Mar 21 | 3-4pm | Eric Hammerschmith | Global inhibition in head-direction neural circuits: a systematic comparison between connectome-based spiking neural circuit models
Chang, Huang, and Lo (J Comp Physiol A 2023) |
Mar 28 | 3-4pm | Nadav Amir | Neural representational geometry underlies few-shot concept learning
Sorscher, Ganguli, Sompolinsky (PNAS 2022) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Apr 4 | 3-4pm | Alex Riordan | Neural learning rules for generating flexible predictions and computing the successor representation
Fang, Aronov, Abbott, Mackevicius (eLife 2023) |
Apr 18 | 3-4pm | Bichan Wu | Disentangling Mixed Classes of Covariability in Large-Scale Neural Data
Pellegrino, Stein, Cayco-Gajic (bioRxiv 2023) |
Apr 25 | 3-4pm | Kevin Chen | Learning the Architectural Features That Predict Functional Similarity of Neural Networks
Haber and Schneidman (Phys Rev X 2022) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
May 2 | 3-4pm | Arseny Finkelstein | Mechanisms of cortical communication during decision-making () |
May 16 | 3-4pm | Iris Stone | Unsupervised discovery of family specific vocal usage in the Mongolian gerbil Peterson et al(bioRxiv 2023) |
May 23 | 3-4pm | David Allen | Mental navigation and telekinesis with a hippocampal map-based brain-machine interface Lai et al(bioRxiv 2023) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
June 6 | 3-4pm | Ali Hummos | Thalamus: a brain-inspired algorithm for biologically-plausible continual learning and disentangled representations Hummos (ICLR 2023) |
June 13 | 3-4pm | Srdjan Ostojic | Parametric control of flexible timing through low-dimensional neural manifolds Beiran et al (Neuron 2023) |
June 20 | 3-4pm | Luca Mazzucato | Research Talk |
Past Meetings (Fall 2022)
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Oct 4 | 3-4pm | Aditi Jha | (RD) Self-healing codes: How stable neural populations can
track continually reconfiguring neural representations Rule and O'Leary (PNAS 2022) |
Oct 11 | 3-4pm | Srdjan Ostojic | Low-rank recurrent networks: intro and overview See: Linking Connectivity, Dynamics, and Computations in Low-Rank Recurrent Neural Networks Mastrogiuseppe and Ostojic (Neuron 2018) Shaping Dynamics With Multiple Populations in Low-Rank Recurrent Networks Beiran et al (Neural Computation 2021) Probing the Relationship Between Latent Linear Dynamical Systems and Low-Rank Recurrent Neural Network Models Valente, Ostojic, and Pillow (Neural Computation 2022) |
Oct 18 | 3-4pm | Rich Pang | Predictive Coding of Dynamical Variables in Balanced
Spiking Networks Boerlin, Machens, Deneve (PLoS Comput Biol 2013) |
Oct 25 | 3-4pm | Lea Duncker | Research Talk |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Nov 1 | 3-4pm | Kevin Chen | (TBD) Metastable attractors explain the variable timing of stable behavioral action sequences Recanatesi et al (Neuron 2022) |
Nov 8 | 3-4pm | Alex Riordan | (RD) Variation in sequence dynamics improves maintenanceof stereotyped behavior in an example from bird song Duffy et al (PNAS 2019) |
Nov 15 | 3-4pm | Victor Geadah | (TBD) Optimal information loading into working memory in prefrontal cortex explains dynamic coding Stroud et al (bioRxiv 2022) |
Nov 22 | 3-4pm | Adel Ardalan | (TBD) Symmetry-Based Representations for Artificial and Biological General Intelligence Higgins, Racaniere, and Rezende (Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2022) |
Nov 29 | 3-4pm | Wynne Stagnaro | (TBD) Deep neural network models reveal interplay of peripheral coding and stimulus statistics in pitch perception Saddler, Gonzalez, McDermott (Nat Commun 2021) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Dec 13 | 3-4pm | Matt Creamer | (TBD) Git/GitHub tutorial |
Past Meetings (Spring 2022)
(RNN): Recurrent networks and dynamics
(RLD): Reinforcement learning and decision-making
(NAV): Navigation
(MEM): Memory
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Feb 15 | 3-4pm | Zoe Ashwood | (RLD) Adversarial vulnerabilities of human decision-making Dezfouli, Nock, Dayan (PNAS 2020) |
Feb 22 | 3-4pm | Aditi Jha | (RLD) Planning in the brain Mattar, Lengyel (Neuron 2022) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Mar 1 | 3-4pm | Rachel Lee | (RLD) Bayesian inference with incomplete knowledge explains perceptual confidence and its deviations from accuracy Khalvati, Kiani, Rao (Nat Comm 2021) |
Mar 8 | 3-4pm | Julia Steinberg | (MEM) Context-modular memory networks support high-capacity, flexible, and robust associative memories Podlaski, Agnes, Vogels (bioRxiv 2020) |
Mar 25* | 11-12pm | Ben Cowley | (NAV) Building an allocentric travelling direction signal via vector computation Lyu, Abbott, Maimon (Nature 2021) |
Mar 29 | 3-4pm | Diksha Gupta | (MEM) Geometry of sequence working memory in macaque prefrontal cortex Xie, Hu et al (Science 2022) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Apr 12 | 3-4pm | Adel Ardalan | (RNN) Rotational dynamics in motor cortex are consistent with a feedback controller Kalidindi, Cross et al (eLife 2021) |
Apr 19 | 3-4pm | Iris Stone | (NAV) Sniff-synchronized, gradient-guided olfactory search by freely moving mice Findley, Wyrick et al (eLife 2021) |
Apr 26 | 3-4pm | Edna Normand | (TBD) Behavioral and Neural Variability of Naturalistic Arm Movements Peterson, Steven et al (eNeuro 2021) |
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
May 10 | 3-4pm | Adrian Bondy | (NAV) Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells Gardner et al (Nature 2022) |
May 17 | 3-4pm | Kevin Chen | (RNN) Towards a theory of cortical columns: From spiking neurons to interacting neural populations of finite size Schwalger, Deger, Gerstner (PLOS Comp Bio 2017) |
Past Meetings (Fall 2021)
Theme 1: Computation Over Multiple Time Scales
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Oct 5 | 3-4pm | Orren Karniol-Tambour | Unsupervised discovery of demixed, low-dimensional neural dynamics across multiple timescales through tensor component analysis Williams, Kim, Wang ... Schnitzer, Kolda, Ganguli (Neuron 2018) |
Oct 12 | 3-4pm | Dean Pospisil | Cell assemblies at multiple time scales with arbitrary lag constellations Russo, Durstewitz (eLife 2017) |
Oct 19 | 3-4pm | Ben Cowley | Learning and attention reveal a general relationship between population activity and behavior Ni, Ruff, Alberts, Symmonds, Cohen (Science 2018) |
Theme 2: Recurrent Networks and Dynamics
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Nov 2 | 3-4pm | Zeinab Mohammadi | Neural network dynamics Vogels, Rajan, Abbott (Annu Rev Neurosci 2005) |
Nov 9 | 3-4pm | Sade Abiodun | Title (TBD) Authors (Journal Year) |
Nov 23 | 3-4pm | Kevin Chen | Generating coherent patterns of activity from chaotic neural networks Sussillo, Abbott (Neuron 2009) |
Theme 3: Reinforcement Learning
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Nov 30 | 3-4pm | Lindsey Brown | Reinforcement learning in depression: A review of computational research Chen, Takahashi, Nakagawa, Inoue, Kusumi (Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2015) |
Dec 7 | 3-4pm | Isabel Berwian | Title (TBD) Authors (Journal Year) |
Dec 14 | 3-4pm | Yotam Sagiv | Reward-predictive representations generalize across tasks in reinforcement learning Lehnert, Littman, Frank (PLOS Comp Bio 2020) |
Past Meetings (Spring 2021)
Special club for PNI Recruitment
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Feb 19 | 11:30am-12:30pm | David Zoltowski | Decoding and perturbing decision states in real time.
Peixoto, Verhein, Kiani, ..., Ryu, Shenoy, Newsome (Nature 2021) |
Theme 1: Understanding multi-area interactions
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Mar 3 | 3-4pm | Ben Cowley | Principles of Corticocortical Communication: Proposed Schemes and Design Considerations. Kohn, Jasper, Semedo, Gokcen, Machens, Yu (Trends in Neuro 2020) Statistical methods for dissecting interactions between brain areas. Semedo, Gokcen, Machens, Kohn, Yu (Current Op in Neuro 2020) |
Mar 10 | 3-4pm | Rich Pang | Inferring brain-wide interactions using data-constrained recurrent neural network models.
Perich, Arlt, Soares, ..., Rudebeck, Harvey, Rajan (bioRxiv 2020) |
Mar 17 | 3-4pm | Orren Karniol-Tambour | Brain-wide electrical spatiotemporal dynamics encode depression vulnerability.
Hultman, Ulrich, Sachs, ..., Nestler, Carin, Dzirasa (Cell 2018) |
Theme 2: Neuroethology: Understanding computation through behavior
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
Apr 6 | 3-4pm | Jess Breda | Computational neuroethology: a call to action.
Datta, Anderson, Branson, Perona, Leifer (Neuron 2019) |
Apr 13 | 3-4pm | Jorge Yanar | Continuous Whole-Body 3D Kinematic recordings across the rodent behavioral repertoire.
Marshall, Aldarondo, Dunn, Wang, Berman, Olveczky (Neuron 2020) |
Apr 20 | 3-4pm | Iris Stone | A cortical-hypothalamic circuit decodes social rank and promotes dominance behavior.
Padilla-Coreano, Batra, Patarino, ..., Fiete, Lu, Tye (ResearchSquare 2020) AlphaTracker: A multi-animal tracking and behavioral analysis tool. Chen, Zhang, Zhang, ..., Tye, Lu (bioRxiv 2020) |
Theme 3: The curious computations of dopamine
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
May 6 | 4-5pm | Rachel Lee | Neural circuitry of reward prediction error.
Watabe-Uchida, Eshel, Uchida (Ann. Review of Neuro. 2017) |
May 13 | 4-5pm | Sreejan Kumar | Evidence for a neural law of effect.
Athalye, Santos, Carmena, Costa (Science 2018) |
May 20 | 4-5pm | Yoel Sanchez Araujo | Dopamine enhances signal-to-noise ratio in cortical-brainstem encoding of aversive stimuli.
Vander Weele, Siciliano, Gillian, ..., Wichmann, Wildes, Tye (Nature 2018) |
Theme 4: Recording from more neurons than we know what to do with
Date | Time | Presenter | Reading |
June 9 | 3-4pm | Aditi Jha | Towards the neural population doctrine.
Saxena and Cunningham (Current Opinion in Neuro. 2019) |
June 16 | 3-4pm | Daniel Greenidge | A large-scale standardized physiological survey reveals functional organization of the mouse visual cortex.
de Vries, Lecoq, Buice, ..., Phillips, Reid, Koch (Nat Neuro 2020) |
June 23 | 3-4pm | Eleni Papadoyannis | Distributed coding of choice, action and engagement across the mouse brain.
Steinmetz, Zatka-Haas, Carandini, Harris (Nature 2019) |
Past Meetings (Fall 2020)
Date | Time/Room | Presenter | Reading |
Jan 30 | 4-5pm, PNI 230 | David Zoltowski |
Stimulus-choice (mis)alignment in primate MT cortex. Zhao, Yates, Levi, Huk, Park (bioRxiv 2019) |
Feb 6 | 3-4pm, PNI 130 | Zoë Ashwood |
Computational noise in reward-guided learning drives behavioral variability in volatile environments. Findling, Skvortsova, Dromnelle, Palminteri, Wyart. (Nat Neuro 2019) |
Feb 13 | 3-4pm, PNI 130 | Daniel Greenidge |
Structure in neural population recordings: an expected byproduct of simpler phenomena? Elsayed and Cunningham. (Nat Neuro 2017) |
Feb 20 | 11am-12pm, Psych 404 | Brian DePasquale |
Engineering recurrent neural networks from task-relevant manifolds and dynamics. Pollock and Jazayeri. (bioRxiv 2019) |
Feb 27 | No club -- COSYNE | ||
Mar 5 | No club -- Unfilled slot | ||
Mar 12 | Virtual | Lindsay Willmore |
Deep neuroethology of a virtual rodent. Merel, Aldarondo, Marshall, Tassa, Wayne, Olveczky. (arXiv 2019) |
Past Meetings (Fall 2019)
Date | Presenter | Reading |
Oct 24 | Ben Cowley |
High-dimensional geometry of population responses in visual cortex. Stringer, Pachitariu, Steinmetz, Carandini, Harris. (Nature 2019) |
Oct 31 | (not meeting) |
A spooky paper Fox (Ann. Reviews 1975) |
Nov 7 | Ben Cowley |
What makes a good scientific figure? |
Nov 14 | Matt Creamer |
Hierarchical recurrent state space models reveal discrete and continuous dynamics of neural activity in C. elegans Linderman, Nichols, Blei, Zimmer, Paninski. (bioRxiv 2019) |
Nov 21 | Sean Bittner (visitor) |
Interrogating theoretical models of neural computation with deep inference Bittner, Agostina Palmigiano, Piet, Duan, Brody, Miller, Cunningham. (bioRxiv, 2019) |
Dec 5 | Matt Panichello |
Bayesian computation through cortical latent dynamics Sohn, Narain, Meirhaeghe, Jazayeri (Neuron 2019) |
Dec 12 | No journal club (PNI holiday party) | |
Dec 19 | Kevin Chen |
A quantitative model of conserved macroscopic dynamics predicts future motor commands Brennan, Proekt. (eLife, 2019) |
Past Meetings (Spring 2019)
Past Meetings (Fall 2018)
Date | Presenter | Reading |
Oct 25th, 3PM | Jonathan Pillow |
Efficient coding explains the universal law of generalization in human perception
Chris R. Sims (2018) |
Nov 1st | Anqi Wu |
Uncovering hidden brain state dynamics that regulate performance and decision-making during cognition
Taghia et al. (2018) |
Nov 8th | No Meeting, SFN | |
Nov 15th | Manuel Schottdorf |
Distributed network interactions and their emergence in developing neocortex
Smith et al. (2018) |
Nov 22nd | No Meeting, Thanksgiving | |
Nov 29th | Sue Ann Koay |
Shaping Neural Circuits by High Order Synaptic Interactions
Tannenbaum et al. (2018) |
Dec 6th | No Meeting, NIPS |
Past Meetings (Spring 2018)
Past Meetings (Fall 2017)
Date | Presenter | Reading |
Sep 26 | Mike Morais |
Lawful relation between perceptual bias and discriminability Wei & Stocker (2017) |
Oct 3 | Alex Hyafil |
Attention stabilizes the shared gain of V4 populations Rabinowitz et al. (2015) |
Oct 10 | Jamal Williams |
Brains on Beats Guclu et al. (2016) |
Oct 17 | Adam Charles |
Fundamental bound on the persistence and capacity of short-term memory stored as graded persistent activity Koyluoglu, et al. eLife (2017) |
Oct 24 | Adam Calhoun |
A brain wide circuit model of heat evoked swimming behavior in larval zebrafish Haesemeyer et al. (2017) |
Oct 31 | Michael Berry |
A Theory of Canonical Computations in the Neocortical Microcircuit |
Nov 28 | Brian DePasquale |
Optimal degrees of synaptic connectivity Litwin-Kumar et al. (2017) |
Past Meetings (Summer 2017)
Date | Presenter | Reading |
Jun 22 | Scott Linderman |
Using computational theory to constrain statistical models of neural data Linderman & Gershman (2017) |
Past Meetings (Spring 2017)
Past Meetings (Fall 2016)
Past Meetings (Summer 2016)
Date | Presenter | Reading |
Jun 14 | Athena Akrami & Adam Charles |
Could a neuroscientist understand a
microprocessor? Jonas & Koerding. biorxiv (2016) |
Jun 23 | Ben Machta |
Perspective: Sloppiness and Emergent Theories in Physics, Biology, and Beyond Transtrum, Machta, Brown, Daniels, Myers, and Sethna. J. Chem. Phys. (2015) |
Jun 30 | Ahmed Hl Hady |
Cell Types, Network Homeostasis, and Pathological Compensation from a Biologically Plausible Ion Channel Expression Model O’Leary, Williams, Franci, and Marder. Neuron (2014) |
Jul 7 | Leenoy Meshulam |
Sloppiness in Spontaneously Active Neuronal Networks Panas1, Amin, Maccione, Muthmann1, van Rossum, Berdondini, and Hennig. J. Neurosci. (2015) |
Jul 21 | Adam Charles | Assessing the distinguishability of models and the informativeness of data Navarro et al. Cognitive Psychology (2004) |
Aug 23 | Ido Kanter | Low-firing rates, cortical oscillations and neuronal ?s precision stem from neuronal plasticity: Experiment and theory |
Sep 13 | Yonatan Aljadeff | Optimal population coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons |
Past Meetings (Fall-Spring 2015-16)
Date | Presenter | Reading | |
Nov 24 | Jonathan Pillow |
Inferring learning rules from distributions of firing rates in cortical neurons Lim, McKee, Woloszyn, Amit, Freedman, Sheinberg, & Brunel. Nature Neuroscience (2015). [summary] | |
Dec 1 | Adam Calhoun | Global Brain Dynamics Embed the Motor Command Sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans. Kato, Kaplan, Schrödel, Skora, Lindsay, Yemini, Lockery, & Zimmer. Cell (2015) | |
Dec 8 | Mark Ioffe readers: Alex Piet & DJ Strouse |
thesaurus for a neural population
code. Ganmor, Segev, & Schneidman. eLife (2015). | |
Dec 15 | DJ Strouse readers: Mark Ioffe & Mingbo Cai |
Bayesian observer model constrained by
efficient coding can explain 'anti-Bayesian'
percepts. Wei & Stocker, Nat Neurosci (2015). | |
Jan 19 | Mikio Aoi readers: Adam Calhoun & Jonathan Pillow. |
Cortical activity in the null space: permitting preparation without movement. Kaufman, Churchland, Ryu, & Shenoy, Nat Neurosci 2014. | |
Jan 29 (Friday!) |
Sina Tafazoli readers: Adam Charles & Mikio Aoi |
A neural network that finds a naturalistic solution for the production of muscle activity. Sussillo, Churchland, Kaufman, & Shenoy, Nat Neurosci 2015 | |
Feb 2 | Mingbo Cai readers: Becket Ebitz & Nick Roy |
Human representation of visuo-motor uncertainty as mixtures of orthogonal basis distributions. Zhang, Daw, Maloney, Nat Neurosci 2015. | |
Feb 9 | Angela Langdon readers: Jane Keung, Diksha Gupta, Tyler Boyd-Meredith |
A neural mechanism for sensing and reproducing a time interval. Jazayeri & Shadlen, Current Biology 2015. | |
Feb 16 | cancelled | ||
Feb 23 | Nick Roy reader: Lea Duncker |
The nature of shared cortical variability. Lin, Okun, Carandini, & Harris, Neuron 2015. | |
Mar 1 | ( cosyne workshops) | ||
Mar 8 | Diksha Gupta reader: Tyler Boyd-Meredith |
The Inevitability of Probability: Probabilistic Inference in Generic Neural Networks Trained with Non-Probabilistic Feedback A. Emin Orhan & Wei Ji Ma. arxiv 2016. | |
Mar 15 | ( spring break ) | ||
Mar 22 | cancelled | ||
Mar 29 | Sam Lewallen reader: Ahmed El Hady |
Random Wiring, Ganglion Cell Mosaics, and the Functional Architecture of the Visual Cortex. Schottdorf, Wolfgang Keil, Coppola, White, & Wolf. PloS Comp Bio 2015. | |
Apr 5 | Adam Charles | Neuronal Circuits Underlying Persistent Representations Despite Time Varying Activity. Druckmann & Chklovskii, Current Biol (2012). [blog summary] | |
Apr 12 | Anqi Wu readers: Mikio & Nick |
Sensory uncertainty decoded from visual cortex predicts behavior. Bergen, Ma, Pratte, & Jehee, Nat Neurosci (2015). | |
Apr 19 | David Deutsch readers: Diksha & Jonathan |
Active sensing in the categorization of visual patterns. Yang, Lengyel, & Wolpert. eLIFE 2016. | |
Apr 26 | Lea Duncker readers: Adam Charles, Matt Panichello |
Robust neuronal dynamics in premotor cortex during motor planning. Li, Daie, Svoboda, & Druckmann. Nature (2016). |
May 3 | Alex Piet readers: Angela Langdon & Sam Lewallen |
Robust timing and motor patterns by taming chaos in
recurrent neural networks. Rodrigo Laje & Dean V Buonomano, Nature Neurosci (2013). |
May 10 | Tyler Boyd-Meredith readers: Angela L and Alex P |
Cortex Is Required for Optimal Waiting Based
on Decision Confidence. Lak, Costa, Romberg, Koulakov, Mainen, & Kepecs, Neuron (2014). |
Past Meetings (Summer 2015)
Date | Presenter | Reading |
Topic #1: Information theory and the brain (Adam Calhoun) | ||
June 9 | Jonathan Pillow |
June 16 | Adam Calhoun |
June 23 | Chris Baldassano |
June 30 | Ida Momennejad |
Topic #2: Neural Codes in Noisy Cortical Circuits (Alex Piet & Ahmed El Hady) | ||
July 14 | Leenoy Meshulam |
July 21 | Alex Piet |
July 28 | Sam Lewallen |
Aug 4 | Athena Akrami |
Aug 11 | Ahmed El Hady |
Aug 18 | Sam Lewallen |
Past Meetings (Spring 2015)
Date | Presenter and readers | Reading |
Mar 18 | Jonathan Pillow readers: Jason P. & Jamal W. |
Neuronal Variability.
Goris, Movshon & Simoncelli Nature Neurosci (2014).
Apr 01 | Michael Berry readers: Angela L. & Sam L. |
coding of dynamical variables in balanced spiking
Boerlin, Machens & Deneve, PLoS Comp Biol (2013). |
Apr 08 | DJ Strouse readers: Jonathan P. & Adam C. |
information in a sensory population.
Palmer, Marre, Berry, & Bialek. arXiv:1307.0225 |
Apr 15 | Mikio Aoi readers: Alex P. & Ashley L. |
Neural constraints on learning. Sadtler, Quick,
Golub, Chase, Ru, Tyler-Kabara, Yu & Batista.
Nature (2014). |
Apr 22 | Adrianna Loback readers: Jonathan P. & DJ S. |
A Simple Model of Optimal Population Coding for Sensory Systems. Doi & Lewicki, PLOS Comp. Biol. (2014) |
Apr 29 | Chris Baldassano readers: Jamal W. & Ida M. |
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Mnih et al, Nature (2015). |
May 06 | Sam Lewallen reader: Stephanie Chan |
Performance-optimized hierarchical models predict neural responses in higher visual cortex", Yamins, Hong, Cadieu, Solomon, Seibert, & DiCarlo, PNAS (2014). |
May 13 | Jane Keung readers: Alex Piet & Mikio Aoi |
Signals in inferotemporal and perirhinal cortex suggest an untangling of visual target information. Pagan, Urban, Wohl, & Rust, Nature Neurosci (2013). |